
Arma Works was born from Sarma’s mind’s eye; out of a desire to work with light, colour, shape and environment. She began by making small sculptural homes in enclosed glass structures for plants, this captivated her imagination. So, she nestled into a world of cutting glass and  soldering  metal lines. 

Recently Sarma has started to explore and experience the possibilities of clay. In many ways a material that is the polar opposite to glass, yet the same values can be applied onto this ancient material: simplicity, functionality, sustainability, and playfulness. The difference is that clay is more direct, it is shaped as you work it, whereas glass has sense of predetermination and premeditation.

Although Sarma has been touched (and cut!) by glass over many years; her newly found passion for clay means that she still is learning and exploring. She is on a route exploring their possibilities; each day a day of experiencing and meditating in both glass and clay - in so doing achieving new insights and new results.

Based in London.